Well Matched

Well Matched

When considering the formulation of stick incense it is important to remember that once an incense stick is lit and placed into its holder, a singluar burning temperature is acheived. This is unlike an electric burner whose input can be adjusted throughout a session or, a monkoh session, where the temperature of the charcoal will only reduce as the session continues. It is easy to understand then, that the burning temperature of the stick must be well matched to the materials involved, otherwise an undesireable fragrance can easily result from an un-thoughtful combination of ingredients. 


When going through the testing stages of a stick incnese formulation , I go in search of several attributes that I try to capture in the final profile. 

  1. Clarity - The aromatic profile should have clarity. There should be a definite and unified fragrance such that one could easily distinguish it from a different incense. An incense that has clarity leaves a scent impression that can be easily brought to mind, doesnt require the nose to recall and creates an incnese that one can crave.
  2. Presence - The aromatic profile should have presence. In a well crafted incense should not leave you looking for the scent. It is true that some sticks as you to listen more closely than others, it is good when the clarity is easy to find.
  3. Cleanliness -  The aromatic proficle should be clean. There should not be any noticable "off" notes. The smell of the binder or a burn note indicates that the temperature profile is not well matched to the material. 

Nearly all of the stick incense I make are single origin aloeswood. As every material is uniqie to itself, to isolate a recipe and zero in on the correct burnign temperature one cannot rely on a visual inspection or a past recipe. Each material must be tested, each time slightly adjusting the recipe, remixing the dough, a new extrusion and proper drying. After each test, the recipe is sampled over the course of several days to allow for multiple fresh experiences where the above attributes are considered. Once the note is clear the reicpe can be finalized for the full size batch. However, differences in compaction exist in larger batches that must also be accounted for as best as possible. And so after all the testing there is still a bit of a gamble and a prayer that the final preparation will result in a match that sings clean and clear and present. 

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